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[Report] What Goes Up
Does the rise of index funds spell catastrophe?
June 2024
Current Issue June 2024
[Letter from Germany] Masters of War
In search of the new world order in Munich
[Miscellany] The Prophet Who Failed
After the apocalypse that wasn’t

June 4, 2024

Twelve largely politically indifferent New York jurors with interests ranging from live music to the outdoors convicted former President Trump on all 34 counts of falsifying business records to influence the outcome of the 2016 election. Read More

Pulp Fiction

In the stacks: on the tristate collectors of yesterday’s future
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Harper’s Finest

[Article] from the December 2018 Issue
The Gatekeepers

“The black public intellectual is called forth to explain the black part of that identity with little consideration for what formed the intellectual part. The white audience does not seek out black public intellectuals to challenge their worldview; instead they are meant to serve as tour guides through a foreign experience that the white audience wishes to keep at a comfortable distance. White people desire a representative of the community who can provide them with a crash course. It is easier, then, for a white public unwilling to grapple with the complexities of these varying disciplines, and the perspectives they produce, to reduce their engagement with black public intellectuals down to a handful of spokespeople, and hopefully, only one.”

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