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Articles Found (6)

  • New Engraved Bamboo Phone Cases! New Engraved Bamboo Phone Cases For iPhone 4, 4s & 5 Have you heard? Gone For a RUN has a new product for your phone! Meet our Engraved Bamboo iPhone Cases. These cases are made from real bamboo wood and are laser engraved. Bamboo wood grows like a weed, so it is a much more eco-friendly … Read More
  • Gone For a Run Featured in Runner's World

    Check out Gone For a Run's "Run Now Wine Later" phone case featured on Runner's World website, December 2013

    Check out Gone For a Run's "Run Now Wine Later" phone case featured on Runner's World website, December 2013

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  • Check Out Gone For a Run In Competitor Magazine

    Check out Gone For a Run's 26.2 Roman Numeral 26.2 Marathon Rectangular Necklace and 26.2 marathon phone case featured in Competitor Magazine, October 2013

    Check out Gone For a Run's 26.2 Roman Numeral 26.2 Marathon Rectangular Necklace and 26.2 marathon phone case featured in Competitor Magazine, October 2013

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  • If Stretching Does Not Prevent Running Injury, Why Should I Stetrch When Injured?

    Self mobilization and stretching are an important part of the running injury recovery process. These techniques allow you not only to release stiffness and improve scarring and inflexibility, but also increase your body awareness and provide a mechanism for self-diagnosis during …

    Self mobilization and stretching are an important part of the running injury recovery process. These techniques allow you not only to release stiffness and improve scarring and inflexibility, but also increase your body awareness and provide a mechanism for self-diagnosis during …

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  • Gone For a Run - Can Running Strengthen Your Immune System? YES Gone For a Run - Can Running Strengthen Your Immune System? YES Exercise is a science backed way to strengthen your immune system. Many studies have shown that people who exercise regularly are less likely to experience seasonal flu’s and colds. When you run your muscles contract, and this increases blood flow which mobilize immune cells. These potent immune cells defend against viruses that enter the body. Read More
  • Personalized Photo Panel of Your Athlete Personalized Photo Panel of Your Athlete Have you taken dozens of photos of your favorite athlete, most of which never get further than your phone? Is there a special one that you would love to display? Picture frames are a great option but the photo can really only be appreciated close-up. For a unique alternative that both you and your athlete will love, we have created our new Custom Photo Aluminum Room Signs. Read More