Featured Product

Good Night Lotion – For Healthy Sleep and Magnesium

Our Good Night Lotion is rich in natural magnesium chloride and blended with skin-nourishing oils.  This means it’s not itchy like sprays, and doesn’t cause digestive upset like pills.  It’s also very easy to use — simply rub it into belly or legs approximately 15 minutes before sleep.  There are approximately 100 mg of magnesium per teaspoon of lotion, so use the amount that meets your needs!

Good Night Lotion – For Healthy Sleep and Magnesium

Featured Product

Elderberry Elixir – For Respiratory Symptoms and Immunity

Our Elderberry Elixir is also safe to take daily because it doesn’t put your immune system into overdrive. It is an immune modulator (balancer) and supports your body by giving it what is needed to help keep you healthy! Our concentrate is shelf-stable for two years and doses are mere drops per day so it will last a long time and won’t go to waste like syrups. It’s the ultimate herbal remedy for any natural-minded family and it’s safe for ages 6 months and up.

Elderberry Elixir – For Respiratory Symptoms and Immunity

Featured Product

Feel Better Fast – For Pain, Fever, Stomach, Sniffles, and More

Feel Better Fast combines five herbs to help support the immune system, reduce inflammation, and settle upset tummies. Unlike conventional medicines that suppress symptoms and fight against the body, our herbal tincture gently works with it to ease symptoms and allow the body to work through the illness naturally. Don’t suffer – recover quickly and healthily with Feel Better Fast! 

Feel Better Fast – For Pain, Fever, Stomach, Sniffles, and More

We have worked with thousands of amazing people

"I was an oncology nurse for 12 years before going back to school to get my functional medicine health coach certification. I am so passionate about helping people get to the root cause of current health issues... [and] to use natural medicine whenever possible and Earthley's tinctures are my favorite form of natural medicine."

Melissa Long

"As a Functional Medicine Nurse Coach, I recommend Earthley to all my clients I love that their ingredient lists are only real ingredients you can read. I especially love their tinctures; these are the herbal medicines that fill my medicine cabinet."

Lauren Briggs, RN, BSN, NC-BC,

“Sassy Holistics is a holistic wellness site and practice dedicated to helping people heal naturally. Our programs use foods, herbs, and other holistic modalities to help bring the body back into balance. We often use Earthley items in our programs as they are incredibly effective, affordable, and easy to add in to a busy lifestyle.


“My name is Bri. I am a Wellness Counselor specializing in women's health. Earthley changed my life in 2020 when I found and began taking several of their products. The quality, price point, and results are incredible!"

“My job as a Mercier Therapist and Fertility Coach is to help women improve their chances of conception naturally while also making sure they feel fully supported. Earthley makes it easy for me to not only provide them with quality nontoxic products but also make it affordable!

"Soulful Surrender LLC is the missing link of support for women in all stages of the 4th trimester (postpartum) and motherhood. i cannot pick just one favorite-but some of my top’s are mama’s magic milk boost, immune aid powder, master tonic, and good night magnesium lotion."

Natalie E

"I work with each client through their diet, exercise routine, stress management, toxins (including how to avoid and remove), nervous system regulation, emotional balancing and wellbeing, mindset and subconscious beliefs to help lead more thriving, positive, successful lives. Earthley Wellness was the first company that has provided me with the guidance, education, and ability to heal with herbs, bringing me back to nature's embrace where ancient wisdom meets modern science. Through the power of plants, Earthley Wellness has unlocked a world of natural remedies, nurturing our bodies and minds with the gifts of the Earth. I am so excited to be able to bring Earthley into my practice and continue to get it into more hands and homes."


"I am a former public school teacher, turned homeschooling mom/integrative health practitioner. I saw a great need for wholesome education surrounding family gut health, and decided to become a family gut health specialist! My favorite Earthley product is the Gut Health Oil, and as a Family Gut Health Specialist I believe it’s a must have for every families natural medicine cabinet!"

Meg Allocco-Angell, IHP
Family Gut Health Specialist

As a functional nutrition dietitian, Amy Gonzalez works with women to build customized nutrition protocols that help to support the body's natural physiological functioning." I recommend Earthley products in my nutrition practice because of the company's transparency and third-party testing. My "medicine cabinet" is stocked full of Earthley products!"

Amy Gonzalez, RD, FNTP

" I am a Registered Nurse (BSN) who was fired from my local community hospital over healthcare mandates during the pandemic. Earthley Wellness is the first company I have ever found that I wholeheartedly believe in and support. The products are high quality, very affordable, and highly effective. I have yet to come across a supplement that people don’t love!"

Courtney Stark former Registered Nurse (BSN)
Follow on Facebook!

"I am a Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach focused on holistic wellness and low tox living for optimal health. Earthley has been my goto for everything from my daily vitamin to our illness remedies for years. I believe in informed consent, their transparency and commitment to the highest quality ingredients is why I trust their products for myself as well as my family."

Casey Zeck

“As a Functional Medicine Practitioner, I focus on foundational medicine like food, water, air, movement, and environment. I use comprehensive lab testing to discover root causes of my clients' concerns. I love that Earthley Wellness provides natural solutions to common concerns and illnesses. Earthley has given us so many tools to use to heal ourselves and our families! The products are powerful and work so well! Feel Better Fast is one of my top favorites. Works wonders for a fever and we use it with any sign of sickness to support the immune system. “

"I consistently emphasize the body's inherent ability to self-heal, and Earthley products play a crucial role in supporting this process. Our household and clinic essentials include "Feel Better Fast" and "Goodnight Lotion." I frequently use Goodnight Lotion to assist patients in muscle recovery, promote better sleep, and induce relaxation. "

KWS Chiropractic
Follow on Insta @kswchiro

"I have been a practicing physician assistant for 10 years. In 2020, I started looking for whole food vitamins. Little did I realize what would happen as I started learning more about herbal remedies from Earthley Wellness. Since then, I have started a holistic nutritional consulting practice. I love Earthley Wellness and recommend their products all the time. My favorite products are Sinus Saver tincture, as it was able to get myself and my daughter off of over the counter antihistamines; Teeth Tamer tincture which enabled me to stop using motrin for my teething babies; Nourish Her Naturally tincture, which was the first multivitamin tincture I had ever tried - not only did it help with my hormones but also my nutrition... I could list several others. I trust this company and love their mission to change how the world views healthcare!"

Visit me on Facebook!

"Hello my name is Dannie, I’m a boy mom, wife and a Doula! If you’re not sure what a Doula is, it’s an extra support person in your pregnancy/birth/postpartum. A Doula provides extra knowledge, comfort, and for me holistic approaches. I normally walk with my clients from beginning of their pregnancy and through their postpartum time and for them I recommend everything Earthley! They have a whole line of pregnancy/postpartum products! My favorite that even I used was the postpartum balance tincture! It has an anti-inflammatory, is full of vitamins, and helps promote Mom’s gut health, all that while also balancing hormones for Mom! I love gifting my clients with Earthly products because it gives them a chance to try something new specially if they aren’t sure about a holistic approach!"


Gut Health Bundle

Gut Health Bundle

2 reviews

Original price was: $68.96.Current price is: $51.27.

Seasonal Allergies Bundle

Seasonal Allergies Bundle

1 reviews

Original price was: $47.96.Current price is: $36.07.

Immune Support Bundle

Immune Support Bundle

0 reviews

Original price was: $76.96.Current price is: $58.87.

Natural Skin Care: Combination Skin Bundle

Natural Skin Care: Combination Skin Bundle

4 reviews

Original price was: $65.96.Current price is: $53.17.

Natural Skin Care: Dry Skin Bundle

Natural Skin Care: Dry Skin Bundle

3 reviews

Original price was: $65.96.Current price is: $53.17.

Natural Skin Care: Oily Skin Bundle

Natural Skin Care: Oily Skin Bundle

1 reviews

Original price was: $64.95.Current price is: $52.21.

Respiratory Remedies Bundle

Respiratory Remedies Bundle

2 reviews

Original price was: $63.96.Current price is: $51.27.

Summer Essentials Bundle

Summer Essentials Bundle

0 reviews

Original price was: $37.95.Current price is: $28.47.

Earthley Reviews


We have over 10,600 reviews.
See what our happy customers have to say!!

"My 2.5 year old has food sensitivities and whenever she is mistakenly exposed she is up tossing and turning, very clearly struggling with stomach pain. I give her these drops and it always helps to alleviate her discomfort and get back to sleep- usually within a few minutes."

Infant Tummy Relief - For Gas, Bloating, and Upset Tummies

"This product has been amazing for me! I am not getting sick while those around me are and my mental health is so much better! I can not recommend this enough!"

5-Mushroom Super Blend - For Brain, Immune, and Gut Health

"This lotion is amazing. I apply nightly and it regulates my blood pressure, prevents most of my migraine headaches and muscle cramps, and helps me sleep. Total game changer that everyone should have in their homes! My husband even uses it after working out for sore muscles and cramps."

Good Night Lotion - For Healthy Sleep and Magnesium

"It really works!! My daughter always gets every bug that's out there and her colds are always horrible. She caught a summer cold from my husband, and during her first day of blowing her nose every two minutes, I gave her a dose of this. She continued taking it every 1-2 hours, and her cold went away within two days! She was thrilled and so am I. Thanks, Earthley!"

Feel Better Fast - For Pain, Fever, Stomach, Sniffles, and More

"We love this product! The whole family has been taking it for four months now and have not gotten sick, even while traveling. The kids love taking it, and we have seen improvement in sleep and attitudes."

Nourish Me Naturally - Liquid Herbal Vitamins & Minerals

"My Grandson had low Ferritin at 9.2 so we started him on these energy plus drops and he had his ferritin checked 3 months later and it’s up to 15.8 so I feel it is definitely working for him as he will not take any pills and he is a fussy eater. He is 8 years old."

Energy Plus - For Healthy Energy, Herbal Iron, and B vitamins

"Better than any otc cough medicine or other natural cough remedy. This stuff actually works and I feel good about giving it to my kids."

Cough-B-Gone - For Respiratory Health and Coughs