Seeking grace and beauty in the everyday

Seven on Sunday
06.02.2024 07:13
Good Sunday morning to you! First I want to announce the lucky winner of the box of gift wrap, congratulations goes to- #17 SUSAN M. says: ...
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Random musings as seen through my iPhone.......
05.31.2024 07:21
Hello and happy Friday. Hope you are doing well. Thanks so much for the excellent and very kind feedback on my post with polls 2 days ago (click here if you missed it). I love connecting with my readers ...
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Life lately....
05.29.2024 07:36
(forewarning this is very text heavy) Hi there and how are you? Hope you are doing well and that you had a relaxing Memorial Day weekend. Ours was busy with a little bit of everything, some fun get togethers, a little pickelball and a little boating. ...
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Seven on Sunday
05.26.2024 07:31
Hi there and Happy Memorial Day weekend! Hope you are enjoying a great weekend! Yesterday, we started off with some pickle ball then had afternoon cocktails with a group of friends and then dinner. Today more of the same, dinner by the water with a few other couples. Tomorrow, the weather looks ...
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My trip to Amsterdam part three!
05.23.2024 06:24
Hello, hope you enjoyed my trip coverage so far  on Amsterdam. Getting to write these posts and share my pictures (many) was like being back there again, and immediately brought back a rush of memories. It was a short trip (6 days) but oh, so much fun doing everything I love. I am so very happy we ...
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